CVEN-5363 Modeling of Hydrologic Systems

Introduces students to modeling techniques. Focus areas include physical hydrology and hydrometeorology; measurement and inference; climate change impacts; role of scale in hydrology; uncertainty analysis; and a case study project. Projects will examine hydrologic impacts of various drivers such as climate warming or land cover change, utilizing an assessment of historic conditions to better understand and model future disturbance scenarios. 

Similar methodology to above, a data set of observed daily and monthly averaged precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, gridded to a 1/16° (~6km) resolution spanning CONUS and the Canadian portion of the Columbia River Basin, with temporal coverage 1915-2011. The precipitation is adjusted for orographic effects using an elevation-aware*1961-1990 precipitation climatology. 

A data set of observed daily and monthly averaged precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, gridded to a 1/16° (~6km) resolution that spans the entire country of Mexico, the conterminous U.S. (CONUS), and regions of Canada south of 53º N for the period 1950-2013. The dataset improves previous products in spatial extent, orographic precipitation adjustment over Mexico and parts of Canada, and reduction of transboundary discontinuities. The precipitation is adjusted for orographic effects using an elevation-aware 1981-2010 precipitation climatology.

Fundamental Physics of Great Plains Drought

The U.S. Great Plains experienced a severe drought in 2012, symptoms of which included severe rainfall deficits and record setting high temperatures.

Extreme Streamflow Events in the Upper Missouri River Basin

Extreme streamflow in the upper Missouri River Basin has become more prevalent in recent decades.  Since 1975, 9 out of the 10 most extreme streamflow years on the Missouri River Basin since 1898 have occurred.

Jenna received her M.S. degree in Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering in June of 2017--congratulations Jenna! Her M.S. thesis is titled "Multi-algorithm modeling of suspended sediment in steep mountain catchments". Her research focused on developing a physically based hydrologic model to simulate the effects of climate change and land-cover disturbance on water quality and flow rates. Jenna received her B.S. in Environmental Science from the University of Oregon in 2013.

The primary research interests of my research group is in quantifying the hydrologic impacts of both climate change and land cover disturbance processes across multiple scales. The scientific community’s understanding of climate change continues to evolve, and so we need a flexible framework—models, observations, and communication—to evolve together with this understanding. The tools we use in my research group to address these challenges involve integrating observations with modeling and statistics, to attribute causes and improve process understanding.

Sediment Modeling in the Colorado Front Range

Soil erosion adds constituents to streams, altering water chemistry and streambed morphology. This can adversely affect aquatic life, water resource infrastructure and regulation due to increased contaminants and sediment buildup above reservoirs.