Jenna received her M.S. degree in Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering in June of 2017--congratulations Jenna! Her M.S. thesis is titled "Multi-algorithm modeling of suspended sediment in steep mountain catchments". Her research focused on developing a physically based hydrologic model to simulate the effects of climate change and land-cover disturbance on water quality and flow rates. Jenna received her B.S. in Environmental Science from the University of Oregon in 2013. During her undergraduate career, she was a member of the Environmental Leadership Program Stream Stewardship team and completed an honors thesis on the effects of climate change on soil nitrogen storage in Pacific Northwest grasslands. Before entering the University of Colorado, Jenna worked for the Aquatic Department of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON, Inc.) in Boulder, CO and helped to construct a continental scale initiative for collecting data on aquatic habitats. Jenna is originally from Portland, OR and her interests include hiking, soccer, guitar, and playing in the outdoors.